sticking plasters

美 [ˈstɪkɪŋ ˈplæstərz]英 [ˈstɪkɪŋ ˈplɑːstəz]
  • n.橡皮膏;创可贴;医用胶布
  • sticking plaster的复数
sticking plasterssticking plasters

sticking plasters


  • 1
    N-VAR 胶布;创可贴
    Sticking plaster is material that you can stick over a cut or wound in order to protect it. A sticking plaster is a piece of this material.

  1. In most cases , as a senior restructuring expert told me , the banks are simply putting sticking plasters over the problems .


  2. Rather than pay 3,000 for cosmetic surgeons to give them eyelids with a more Western appearance , they can buy a 3.50 box of ordinary sticking plasters to give the same effect .


  3. A heart-shaped island that became a lovers ' favourite now looks like a perfect destination for the romantically desolate after two strips of forest were bulldozed - leaving scars that look like sticking plasters .
